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This episode, Metal and Lex talk about how Dragon Ball Z’s Goku parallels the struggle of the black man in America. Also, Star Trek and stuff.
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This episode, Metal and Lex talk about how Dragon Ball Z’s Goku parallels the struggle of the black man in America. Also, Star Trek and stuff.
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This episode, Lex turns 30 and officially cancels Mike Z for the saddest birthday present to himself. Also, Diabotical just came out (it’s free!) and Metal gives a quick history of Arena FPS (it’s not that quick).
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This episode, Metal and Lex think it’s episode 25 but it’s really episode 24, but then it was actually episode 25 all along. Also, they jack off each other’s dads in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.
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This week, Metal and Lex talk about Joe Biden’s hairy legs and how Mitch McConnell is DEFINITELY a C. Viper player.
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This week, Metal and Lex talk about the corporate battle of Apple versus Epic Games, the baggage of being in a series, and also human poop-eating hippopotamuses.
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This week, Lex exposes himself as an Open World Game Bigot and a Sandbox-hating Republican who wants to Make Games Linear Again. Metal–a bleeding heart Elder Scrolls fan–tries to win via love, affection, kindness, and by calling Lex a bitch.
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This week, Metal and Lex compare and contrast Street Fighter V with Smash Ultimate; two games that are similar in intent, but different in outcome. “People” are interested in hour-long talks about fighting game concepts, we swear.
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This week, Metal and Lex wax poetically about their personal favorites wins and losses in fighting games over the years. Also a 30 minute rant about how humans are dumb and terrible and how Metal hates everyone, naturally.
Podcast: Download
This week, Metal and Lex discuss–SMACK–meaningful choice in various–SLAP–games and how it affects player sentiment and–SLAP–balance, as well as–SWAT–butts.